Monday, June 6, 2011

12 week review

Good things are happening with my knee now. I've started biking 2 or 3 times a week for 20 to 25 miles and it's the only thing that I can do where I don't feel my knee at all and I feel normal. Aside from that, I'm still mowing a lot and that doesn't bug my knee at all, neither does lifting. The swelling is all the way down so my two knees look normal and identical except for the scar. Hopefully in the next couple weeks I can start jogging for real and doing some lower body lifting. For rehab I'm currently doing the leg press, lunges, wall squats, then the biking, and also hamstring stretching to straighten my leg and then using a band to bend my knee. It's nice now because I hardly notice my knee when doing normal, everyday activities. I'll post pictures next week so my 2 readers can see what it looks like.

Monday, May 30, 2011

11 week review

So I know that no one still reads this besides Lydia, but I thought I'd apologize for not posting last week. I'm sure many of you were devastated. But anyway, progress is going really well for my knee. I'm still lifting and I've started biking again. I'm also mowing all my yards and walking around all day doesn't cause any pain at the end of the day. The swelling is almost completely gone except for in this one spot. I've started doing some jogging just for a couple seconds to see how it feels and it only hurts a little. The doctor says I can start running within the next month or less, depending on how soon I get my full extension back, which is still only a few degrees away. The biking is helping with my flexion and I don't really have any stiffness anymore ever. When I wake up in the morning, I barely notice my knee. I definitely feel like I've made it through the worst part and from here it's all downhill. I don't really feel restricted by my knee in doing anything. The only thing I'm worried about is I plan on going to Cedar Point sometime this summer and I'm worried about squeezing in the little seats on the rides. Hopefully I'll have enough flexion to do that soon. And I think that's it for updates. Check back next Monday.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

end of month 2!

Another month of progress down. I made some big gains, like being able to ride a stationary bike, lifting, and basically normal walking. My knee never really hurts except when pushing extension and flexion. There is still some swelling and my knee looks larger than my good knee. I hope to be biking outdoors when I get home this Thursday so I'll take my first ride outdoors on Friday. I'm so excited to be able to exercise outdoors again. And my therapist said that in a couple weeks, depending on my range of motion, I'll be able to jog again. So I'm making some solid progress and I'm excited to keep making progress. For the 2 people who are following my blog still, check back next Monday for another post!

Monday, May 9, 2011

8 week review

My knee feels much better this week. I started working out again on this week and lifted on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Doing this really makes my knee good, maybe because my body is warmed up and sweating so the joint is looser. I've also been riding a stationary bike every day and can bike all the way around with good form with no pain. There is some tightness, so I'm gonna wait until I'm out of school to bike outdoors, but I definitely should be biking by May 19. Also, walking is back to normal because I can swing my knee to within 2 degrees of straight. Really the only thing that is still worrying me at this point is my bending, which still isn't great. At therapy on Thursday I measured in at 105 degrees flexion and my good knee is at 145. So I have a lot to make up, but I know it'll come back eventually. The stiffness that I have in the morning is becoming less and less and the stiffness in general is going away. There is some swelling still present, but I think with icing and biking it'll go away. I feel a lot more optimistic about my knee recovery now because I know that it will eventually get better. Oh and I mowed for 9 hours on Saturday and my knee didn't hinder me at all or hurt afterward. Aside from playing sports and running, my knee doesn't really keep me from doing anything anymore.

P.S. I think I'll post on Mondays from now on because that is when my actual week progresses are since that's the day I had my surgery, not on Sunday. Also, my 2 month review is this Saturday, so I'm gonna do a post on that day then not again till next Monday. So I'm gonna post on the 14, then not till the 23.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

7 week review

I really wish my knee would just get better at this point. I've pretty much forgotten what it's like to have two normal legs and be able to run and jump and do all the things I love doing. But I guess I should tell you about this week and any progress. I'm making good progress on flexion, I think I'm past 100 degrees now. And after putting my knee in a brace that cranks it straight for half an hour, I can lay both legs flat on the floor and I'm only a few degrees away from being perfectly straight. But the motion of bending and straightening is not smooth like my good knee. Like I can get it to go straight after working on it and get it to bend pretty far after pushing it, but then it's stiff and won't go the other direction without pain. So if I make it straight and try to bend it, it hurts and vice versa. Then after an hour or so I lose the ability to fully straighten it or bend it pretty far, which is frustrating. So I can get it to a pretty good ROM, but it doesn't stay. Hopefully this will change over time. But now for some positive news, I made my first revolution on a bike pedal. Before I was just going back and forth with my bad knee extended but now I can go all the way around. So I'm hoping that this means I can bike outdoors soon. And I'm starting to get some muscle tone and the swelling is going down but at a snail's pace. So overall, this week was pretty good as I made some solid progress.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

6 week review

This week has been another solid week of recovery. My knee is getting closer and closer to being as straight as my good knee and my flexion is finally coming back. As you can see in the picture below I am definitely past 90 degrees. I really think that I can reach my goal of biking by the end of the school year. Also, I mowed over 3 days this weekend and my knee did fine with all the walking over a somewhat unstable surface (grass). It definitely was good to do something that I've done in the past so it feels like I'm returning to a sense of normalcy in my life. Other than that, there's really nothing to report about this week.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

5 week review

This has been a pretty good week in terms of making progress. My bad knee is so close to being as straight as my good knee. If I put a weighted towel over my heel and lay it off the edge of a table for 15 minutes, I can put both my legs flat on the floor. The only difference is that I can flex my good knee when it's flat on the floor, but I can only get a pathetic little flex out of my bad knee. And my walking is essentially normal now. Tonight for the first time I could walk and swing my bad knee to straight like how normal people walk. I had a mini celebration in my head. Also, I'm working on getting more flexion in my knee, which is coming slowly but surely. I hope to be able to bike by the time I get out of school, so May 19. Now I just want the swelling to go away because it looks ugly. It's tough to make myself do my entire circuit of rehab exercises 4 times a day, but I keep reminding myself that I need to do them in order to be normal again. It helps to read successful acl recovery stories because they all say the same thing: work your butt off in rehab. So that's what I plan to keep on doing.

So I feel like this was a big week for me, as I'm making enough progress to keep me satisfied. For now. I really can't wait until I can bike. I'm for sure doing a post on that day, just to release all of my happiness. Then I'll promptly go for a nice, long ride.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

end of 1st month

Let's gooooooooo. This week has been interesting, but in a good ish way. I'll get to that eventually. Anyway, on Monday I was walking to the DC (my dining area) and slipped in the mud and bent my knee past what it usually bends. This was probably the second worst pain of my life, behind when I actually tore my acl. My leg was twitching slightly and I couldn't move my knee at all. Immediately I was worried that I tore my graft or did some other kind of damage, but I didn't twist it in any way, just bent it back. It was really sore in the back of my knee the rest of Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, I lost a lot of range of motion, and the knee felt weak when standing on it. I asked one of my teachers, who is the head athletic trainer, and my therapist today if they thought I did any real damage and they said they don't think so as the graft is really strong the first few weeks after surgery, then it weakens. So, to sum this story up, I was really worried, but I don't think I hurt anything. I've been working on getting my extension back that I lost from the fall and it's already back to "normal," or where it was pre fall. And now for some very good news: that sharp pain that was in the back of my knee when trying to work on flexion is now gone. Because of the fall? I guess so. But whatever, I'm just glad that it's gone and now I can work on getting my flexion back. Now there's still pain, but it feels just like it did before surgery, like it's stretching the joint in a good way and I can make progress. And some more good news: I was curious as to how much flexion I had after doing some of my rehab exercises, and I'm past 90 degrees with only mild pain. Seeing as how getting to 90 degrees was extremely painful the last time I tried to bend my knee, I'm pretty happy. So even though it was horribly painful, I guess the whole thing turned out for good in the long run. Hopefully now I can work on my extension and flexion now with no difficulties and make some progress.

I look back at where I was exactly one month ago from today, and I've made tons of progress. Back then I nearly passed out going 5 feet to the bathroom and now I can walk around and do light rehab and have my normal life somewhat back. I know I have a lot of work ahead of me, but I'm gonna work hard and get back to normal and hopefully be playing sports again (not all out) by the end of summer. Anyway, thanks for following my progress! Check back again on Sunday when I'll post with all the progress I've made.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

4 week review

Another week down of recovering from acl recovery. I'm seeing improvement in a lot of areas, except for flexion. I saw my doctor on Tuesday and he said my knee looks really good because it is very close to straight. I told him my worries about the pain when I bend it, but he said not to worry about it because flexion will come back much easier than extension. So he gave me an exercise to do where I lay on a bed or table and lay my feet over the edge and put a weighted towel on my heel to force my knee to bend. It works really well because when I do that for 10 minutes, my bad knee is as straight as my good knee. And I got pictures of some x-rays of my knee. You can see the staples in my bone. Anyway, here's a list of the good and bad, like I did last week.

- No more trouble with sleeping at all. That is back to normal, thank goodness
- Done with all pain pills since I don't have any pain ever
- Scar is looking pretty sweet
- Hair is growing back from where the nurse shaved for surgery
- Extension is coming back and is almost back to normal
- I can walk around with no pain and I can walk almost normal
- Going up stairs isn't a problem at all, going down is another story

- Hard to go down stairs, still have to take it one step at a time
- Still a significant amount of swelling
- I lost so much muscle and my leg is very noticeably smaller than my good leg
- Still have that sharp pain in the back of my knee when trying flexion
- Can't bike yet, which I should be able to do by now, but can't because I don't have great ROM
- I get fidgety when sitting for long periods of time

I think my progress is going slower than most people's, which is really frustrating because I want to get better so badly and it's really tough being patient. And I don't feel like myself when I can't exercise at all. When the doctor tells me it's ok to bike again, I'm gonna be so happy to have one form of exercise back.

That's all for this post. I'm gonna do one on Thursday, the 14th, for my official one month post surgery blog post, so you should probably read it.

Monday, April 4, 2011

3 week review

After three weeks, I feel like I'm miles from where I was on March 14. Here's a list of all the things that are noteworthy:
- no pain, thus no pain pills all week
- ugly yellow bruising is all gone
- can walk around just fine with zero pain and can stand for long periods of time without the knee swelling or starting to hurt, which makes showering much easier
- can stand on just one leg on my bad knee for minutes without falling over or it hurting
- the swelling is down, as you'll see in the pictures below
- because swelling is down, you can start to see some definition around my knee cap and quad
- took the white bandage off, so the wound is open but it is almost fully healed
- almost have all of my extension back, only a few degrees away after warming it up for a couple minutes

Even though there is a lot of good, there is still some bad:
- flexion is not coming back very easily, and I am still having that same sharp pain in the back of my knee when bending it
- knee is really stiff in the morning
- having trouble falling asleep at night
- still some swelling
- I lost a lot of muscle mass and tone, so I have a lot to gain back
- overall, having acl surgery = big hassle in everyday life

So I think I'm coming along nicely, but I want progress to go faster, which I know is something that can't be rushed. It's going to be tough to be patient, that's for sure. I go to the doctor on Tuesday for my second post op visit. He wants it straight by then, so I'm really hoping it is as straight as my good knee by then.

I think that's about it for this week's review. Check back next Sunday!

P.S. - go Butler


Right after I took off the white bandage

Sunday, March 27, 2011

2 week review

2 weeks down, 22 to go until I'm back to normal. Looking back on last Tuesday, my second day out of surgery and my first day home, and comparing how I was to how I am now, I can see obvious huge improvements. I've gone from being stuck in a bed all day long, only getting off to go to the bathroom with crutches which caused major, almost unbearable pain in my knee and not even being able to sit up straight because it caused too much pain, to being able to walk around with no brace around the house and no crutches with little to no pain and being able to get out of the house and wear a brace when out and about. I can tolerate being in a standing position for a long time, but I need little breaks of sitting so my knee doesn't hurt too bad. I can also go up stairs almost normally with almost no pain. Going down stairs is going to take a while to be normal but that's no big deal. So basically, my ability to be independent and take care of myself has been restored which feels really good. I don't have to depend on others to get me food or a drink or help me because my knee was in too much pain. Tomorrow I go back to school and I think I'll be fine walking around to classes and sitting through class. I was in Chicago this weekend and did a lot of walking and my knee didn't hurt too bad. Now I'm focusing on icing frequently to get the swelling down so I can have more ease in restoring range of motion. I feel like the toughest time is behind me which makes me feel relieved. I just gotta stay strong and keep working hard at rehab and do my exercises outside of rehab.

This is the end of me posting every day. I'll post on Sunday nights from now on with a week recap and any significant improvements I've made. Thanks for reading!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

post op day 12

Hey everyone who reads my blog, I forgot to post yesterday again. I think now that I can get up and walk around and do other things in my house besides sit on my laptop, I don't think about posting on my blog until I'm in bed. And by that point there's no way I'm gonna go all the way downstairs to get my laptop. But I'm gonna keep trying to post every night until Sunday night, then I'm gonna go to once a week because not that much stuff happens to deserve a new post every single day.

So as they have been the last 2 weeks, my days are pretty similar. But on Thursday I went to see my doctor, doctor Wilson, for a checkup so he could see how my knee is healing. The first thing he said when he walked in was, "That looks bad." Apparently, he REALLY wants my knee completely straight. But aside from that, he said my incision is healing nicely and the swelling is about where it should be ten days after surgery. So he gave me an exercise to do with another person where the other person presses down on my quad and pulls up on my heel, forcing my leg to straighten. It hurts a lot, but I can tell it's a good pain and it works really well. I feel like doing that every day for a couple weeks will get it straight. Oh and I got fitted for a sports brace, so soon enough I'll be able to ditch the big bulky brace and wear the new one. I'm pumped. Back to my normal routine at home, I continued doing my exercises 3-4 times a day as well as using the CPM machine for half hour spurts just to get my knee warmed up for the exercises. Those are going pretty well, except for flexion. It hurts in a bad way, not the way it hurts when I'm doing the straightening exercise. It hurts like in a nerve pain, but I can't feel any pressure in my knee area at all so I'm not sure what's wrong or if it's even working at all. My other exercises, straight leg lifts and partial squats, aren't bad at all. Then I ice often during the day to work on getting the swelling down, which is still very noticeable. If that goes down, getting range of motion back will be much easier. Then today I went to therapy and received three new exercises: calf raises and stretching, one that involves putting my leg on the wall and trying to bend it that way, and one where I lay on my stomach and let gravity work on making my leg straight. I told Mary, my therapist, my worries about bending my leg and she said it's most likely something with the swelling. So unless the swelling subsides a lot and it still hurts, she said not to worry about it. As far as pain, I have none unless I walk around for 5-10 minutes. Then I just need to sit down for a minute so the pain goes down a little. I can put full weight on my knee and I am totally off pain pills. I'm only taking a muscle relaxer now. I think that's it for stuff about my knee.

I'd like to give a couple shout outs. One to 3 people that I know for sure are reading my blog: Jordan, Katherine, and Lydia. Your readership means a lot to me. And the other to the Butler basketball team. Keep kicking butt in the tourney.

Well, I think I'm finally done with this post. Check back tomorrow night!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

post op day 10

Hey everyone, sorry I didn't post yesterday. I completely forgot about it until I was in bed and by that point I was too lazy. I'm sure my 3 followers (if that many) were very disappointed that there was nothing new to read yesterday.

But anyway, I feel like I am making some solid progress now. Yesterday and today were pretty much the same. I bum around at my house and do my exercises and the CPM machine and ice all day. Doing the exercises is really starting to help because I can walk around without a crutch for a couple minutes before I have to sit down because it's too painful to be in a standing position. I can tell the swelling is down because I can see some definition around my knee again and the bruising is already going away. My only worry so far is flexion, because I don't feel like I am making any progress in that and it is still very painful to bend my knee around the 90 degree range. Hopefully in the next couple days that will change. Tomorrow morning I go to the doctor so he can see how I'm doing after surgery and make sure everything looks okay. I really hope he takes off the white strip that's still covering the incision because that's getting annoying. And another goal is to sleep straight through the night because I keep waking up 2 or 3 times for no reason.

That's all the new news for today. I'll post again tomorrow and tell you what the doc said.

Monday, March 21, 2011

post op day 8 - first PT session

I finally did something new today. I got out of the house to go to my first physical therapy session. I'm happy to finally have someone look at me and tell me what to do because then I feel like I'm making progress. Basically all that happened is she asked me a bunch of questions on how I'm doing, when my knee hurts, what I've been doing since surgery in terms of exercises, and what my goal is for rehab. She measured my degree of bend to be 90 degrees, which is great, but it was quite a struggle to get there. My good leg is at 145 so I've got some work to do. I also can slightly hyper-extend my good knee, but she said my bad knee is perfectly straight, I just can't get it to hyper-extend like my good knee because I don't have enough muscle/I have to reteach my quad muscles to fire, or fully contract. Then she told me to keep icing it often but take breaks and gave me 4 exercises to do that are different from what I've been doing. So at this point, I feel pretty encouraged because she also said that I'm doing very well for being only 8 days out of surgery. I just have to be diligent about my exercises because slacking is only going to hurt me. Speaking of which, I should probably do those right now. Gotta go.

Here's a picture I took this morning of the bruising (the yellow part)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

1 week down!

Today was a much better day than yesterday. I got to 100 degrees on the CPM machine, so it's safe to say that I'm done with that thing. I took my first steps without crutches too. It feels ok to walk, but it starts to hurt after the first minute because of the swelling. So I think I'm gonna stick with one crutch until sometime this week when I can walk without one. As far as pain, I don't have any except when standing. When I'm sitting or laying down it feels normal. Tomorrow is my first physical therapy appointment, and I'm pretty excited about that, even though I probably shouldn't be because it's probably gonna hurt, but in a good way. I'll post a picture tomorrow of what my knee looks like because I'm too lazy to do it tonight. It's still pretty swollen and there's some bruising on the inside.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

post op day 6

Same old same old today. I didn't really make any noticeable improvements. I used the CPM machine twice and got to 90 degrees both times. My knee is straight when I put it on the ground, now I just need to work on locking it, like I can do with my good knee. I've stopped taking pain pills every 4 hours and instead take 1 every 6 ish hours or whenever I feel like I'm in a good amount of pain. I noticed that when I sit up, like in a chair or something, my knee doesn't throb like it used to, so that's an improvement. It still throbs when I stand up though and that really hurts. Hopefully sometime next week that will stop. There is some bruising on the inside of my knee and the area around the knee is still numb. Hopefully sometime next week the swelling will go down and I'll be able to stand on it with little or no pain.

On a completely random and unrelated side note, how about that Butler game tonight? Pretty exciting win over Pitt, even though the ending wasn't very clean.

Friday, March 18, 2011

post op day 5

Today had some accomplishments in it. I made my goal of reaching 90 degrees flexion by today. I had the CPM machine on 90 for about 45 minutes and it didn't hurt too bad. Now I just need to stay at or above this level for a couple more days and I can get rid of that awful machine. I think that's doable. I also went out for the first time since my surgery on Monday. Being on my feet causes some sharp pain for my knee at first, then it subsides to more of a dull pain, I'm guessing from the swelling that's happening when I stand on my feet. I also showered for the first time since Monday morning and it feels good to be clean again.

On a random note, I talked to my friend Hannah today. She also tore her ACL and went through this same process about 2 years ago. I was kinda feeling down after being bed ridden for the past 4 days and she encouraged me that it will get better, it just takes time. So whether she knew it or not she helped lift my spirits today.

Well that's it for today. Check back tomorrow!

Proof that I made it to 90

Thursday, March 17, 2011

post op day 4

At this point, all the days are starting to blend together because I do the same thing every day. Once again, I used the CPM machine 3 times today for 2 hours each time. I got up to 84 degrees flexion, so I am making progress in that each day. My goal is to reach 90 tomorrow sometime, so we'll see if that happens. I'm still doing my basic therapy and nothing's changed there. I guess something fun I did today was get out of my parent's bedroom for the first time since Tuesday. Brett came over with lunch so I went downstairs to eat with him and watch college basketball. It felt good to have a change of scenery. I still sleep all the time and I constantly feel tired no matter how much I sleep. Must be my body trying to heal/the pain pills. Oh and I'm starting to cut back on those, only taking 1 every 4 hours instead of 2 every 4 hours. Overall the pain isn't that bad. Aside from reaching 90 degrees flexion, my next goal is to be able to walk around on crutches without my knee feeling like it's going to explode from the swelling.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

post op day 3

Well, I'm one more day closer to being normal. Sleeping was kinda rough last night because I'm tired of sleeping on my back, so at around 3:30 I moved to my right side and put a pillow between my legs. Then I was able to get some good sleep. The day was much like yesterday in that it involved using the CPM machine for 6 hours, sleeping a lot, and doing my basic therapy exercises - working on firing my quad muscle and straight leg lifts. I don't start legit physical therapy until Monday. I managed to get up to 80 degrees flexion on the CPM machine during my final 2 hour session, so I'm only 10 degrees away from my goal of 90 by Friday. And it didn't hurt as bad as yesterday, which is really encouraging. As far as extension, I'd say I'm about 5 degrees away from being as flat as my good knee. I took all my bandages and stuff off to let my knee breath for a little bit which felt sooooo good. I was pleasantly surprised that I have almost no bruising like what I've seen in other people's knees/legs after ACL surgery. I touched my kneecap area to find that it is mostly still pretty numb. I took a picture so I'll post that. I'm still taking 2 pain pills every 4 hours so I haven't made any progress in that area but I'm gonna work on that the next couple days, taking less pain pills. Which will hopefully allow me to go to the bathroom, because I haven't gone #2 since Sunday night. I guess pain pills really do make you constipated.

My setup in my parent's bedroom

Side view of my two knees

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

post op day 2

Day 2 was much different than day 1. Yesterday I was asleep or very tired most of the day but today, I was awake for most of the time. I only slept until 11:30 then again from 3-4. I started doing some basic therapy like straight leg lifts and working on flexing my quad muscle by locking my knee. I also used the CPM machine 3 times for 2 hours each time for a grand total of 6 hours. I said that my goal is to get to 90 degrees flexion by Friday and I got to 74 the first session, 76 the second session, but only 70 on the last 2 hour session. The pain during the last hour of the last 2 hour session was pretty bad so I decided not to push it. But other than that time I don't have much pain except when I move my leg, like to go to the bathroom. Then it feels like the incision over my patellar tendon is going to split wide open, which is where most of the pain comes from.

I think that's it for today. I'll post again tomorrow night!

post op day 1 - here we go!

Well, this is the beginning of a long rehab journey. If all goes well, I'll be back to my old self sometime around the middle of September. But anyway, I'm gonna talk about yesterday now and fill you all in on what happened.

Monday, yesterday, is pretty much a big blur in my mind with a couple things that I remember. I got up at 6:45 to shower and get dressed then my mom drove me to the surgery center. My surgery wasn't until 9, but we had to be there at 7:30 to fill out some paperwork and so the nurses could prepare me for surgery. Lydia was also there bright and early with us, which was nice of her :) I was taken back to a room at around 8 for a little pre operation physical exam to make sure I was healthy, put in an IV, and so I could change into the infamous hospital gown. I have never felt more exposed/naked/violated in my life than when I was wearing that stupid gown. Then my mom, dad, grandma, and Lydia came back to hang out before I went into surgery. The doctor came in and prayed with us, which was pretty cool. Next, the anesthesiologist stopped by and talked to us then the nurse came in to walk be back into the OR. The OR is actually a pretty frightening room, with no windows and around 6-7 doctors/nurses with masks on. It's also freezing cold. They put me on a bed and a couple minutes later, the anesthesiologist put some stuff in my IV and I was out before I could even count to 1. Next thing I remember was waking up in the recovery room with my family and Lydia there. I think that was around 12:30 pm. But from that point until 8 pm, I don't remember much. The doctor came in at some point to see how I was doing. I asked him what he did exactly and he said he reconstructed my ACL and took out 40% of my lateral meniscus. He also said that my bones are really strong. He had a tough time drilling through my bone to attach the ACL graft. Must be the gallons of milk a drink each week. And according to Lydia and my parents, I said some pretty strange things during this time like:

- "Who's mowing my lawns?"
- (to Lydia) "Did you go to Paris?"
- Me: "Who won the basketball game?"
Dad: "Pacers."
Me: "No, the one I was in. I need to go back and play!"
- "Am I naked? I feel exposed." (I was completely covered when I asked this, but the stupid
gown made me feel naked)
- "Can you scratch my face?" (I have no idea why but my face was super itchy so I would ask my
mom or Lydia to scratch it for me. But I'd just say scratch my face and expect them to know
where to scratch it)

But the weird thing is that I knew what I was asking/saying was nonsense, but to me, it was of the utmost importance that I ask these questions. I absolutely had to know the answer. Also, I almost passed out going to the bathroom the first time. I was standing over the toilet then all of a sudden the room started spinning and the voices seemed a mile away. My dad had to grab me in a bear hug so I wouldn't fall over. Then the nurse was caringly yelling at me to get back in bed. I thought I was moving with my walker but in reality I wasn't moving at all. Eventually I got back in bed with sweat dripping down my face. Aside from these things, all I did was sleep, although that at first was difficult because my knee felt so uncomfortable because my leg was strapped into a CPM machine that slowly bends your knee back and forth, which is crucial for regaining ROM (range of motion). The nurses gave me a shot of something in my arm for the pain and that made me super tired so I was finally able to sleep, which I did until 8 when Lydia came back to visit until 10. Then we just talked and watched HGTV with my mom. After Lydia left, it was bedtime. I slept from 10:30 until 7, with a nurse coming in at 1:30 and 5:30 to give me pain pills. At 7 a nurse came in to change the bandage on my knee and take out this draining tube that was draining blood from my knee. Then we were free to go home.

That's pretty much it for day 1. I'm pleasantly surprised at the lack of pain I have, which is nice. It only hurts when I try to lift my leg up. I also got to take home the CPM machine and an icing contraption for my knee that constantly pumps cold water around my knee. Using the CPM machine, I'm supposed to get to get to 90 degrees of flexion soon, so I want to do it by Friday. I'm starting to eat more, after only having a cup of jello, 2 crackers, and half a turkey sandwich all day yesterday. I feel tired all the time, which is probably due to the drugs. I'll post about today, day 2, tonight sometime. So check back. P.S. just in case some of you are wondering why I write novels when I blog, most of my posts probably won't be this long, but there was a lot to cover from yesterday. Thanks for reading!

Here are some pictures

Knee before surgery (yes my leg is shaved):

This is me using the CPM machine to bend my knee. The blue tube is the icing contraption. The red looking tube is draining the blood from my knee.

The intense brace I have. The white circle is collecting the draining blood.

What my legs look like right now:

Monday, March 7, 2011

surgery date set

Well, it looks like surgery is going to be on the 14 after all. I guess that's good because it gives me 2 full weeks to recover before going back to school, but I'm gonna be so bored at home with no one to keep me company during the day. Ps I'm gonna try to do a post every day for the first 2 weeks, then do once a week after that. So check back on March 14.

Picture of my knee right now, March 7:

Thursday, March 3, 2011

pre surgery stuff

Hey everybody! This is gonna be a blog where I talk about my recovery to a fully functional left knee. I figured this would be the best way to keep everyone up to date instead of asking me in person and me having to say the same thing over and over. So this is gonna be the best place for any information you want about my recovery from acl surgery.

You're probably wondering how I destroyed my knee in the first place. Being a baller, I of course was playing basketball when it happened. I jumped off my right leg, kinda like a hop step, and landed on my left leg. I don't know exactly what happened, but I'm pretty sure I felt it hyper-extend. All I know is that it was the worst pain I've felt in my entire life and that something was definitely really wrong with my left knee. I'm still wondering why it happened since I've done that move a thousand times during my basketball days and there's no real reason why my acl decided to rip this one time. This happened on Tuesday, February 8. I went home for the rest of that week and had a meeting with my doctor on Friday. He said I had a definite mcl sprain but he wasn't sure about the acl, but if he had to guess, he would say I also tore my acl. I went back to Taylor on Monday and Tuesday, then drove back to Indy after classes on Tuesday for an MRI. I learned on Thursday that I tore or partially tore every ligament in my knee - torn acl and sprained mcl, lcl, and pcl. I also partially tore and displaced my lateral meniscus. Given the pain and swelling I had after the injury, the amount of damage I did was not too surprising. So ever since then, I've been leading a normal life, only one of my two acls is currently flopping around in my left knee. Surgery is currently scheduled for March 14, but I am trying to get it moved up to March 7 or 8 for two reasons: one, an earlier surgery means I can start the recovery process sooner and two, that is Lydia's spring break, so she could keep me company while I'm a vegetable on the couch :)

I think that's it for all the background information of what's already happening. I'm currently doing some pre operation exercises to make my knee extend/flex. I'm also searching for a reason as to why God decided to let this happen. I'm still not sure, but I'll keep praying about it and hopefully He'll enlighten me. I just gotta trust that this is part of His master plan for my life. But it stinks right now because being active is such a big part of my life and now my summer is not gonna be like how I wanted.

Anyway, I think that's enough for my first post. I probably won't say much more until after surgery because nothing exciting is going to happen. After surgery is where I'll see all the progress. So stay tuned!