Monday, May 30, 2011

11 week review

So I know that no one still reads this besides Lydia, but I thought I'd apologize for not posting last week. I'm sure many of you were devastated. But anyway, progress is going really well for my knee. I'm still lifting and I've started biking again. I'm also mowing all my yards and walking around all day doesn't cause any pain at the end of the day. The swelling is almost completely gone except for in this one spot. I've started doing some jogging just for a couple seconds to see how it feels and it only hurts a little. The doctor says I can start running within the next month or less, depending on how soon I get my full extension back, which is still only a few degrees away. The biking is helping with my flexion and I don't really have any stiffness anymore ever. When I wake up in the morning, I barely notice my knee. I definitely feel like I've made it through the worst part and from here it's all downhill. I don't really feel restricted by my knee in doing anything. The only thing I'm worried about is I plan on going to Cedar Point sometime this summer and I'm worried about squeezing in the little seats on the rides. Hopefully I'll have enough flexion to do that soon. And I think that's it for updates. Check back next Monday.

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